River Rental Tools has been dedicated to providing superior quality equipment and services for over 30 years. Our extensive quality program is constantly evolving and advancing to keep up with industry demands. We have developed maintenance formulas and policies for every piece of equipment we own that are traceable and teachable to all of our employees. These policies start when the equipment is purchased and continue on through the load out and return of each job. From there each piece goes through a documented step by step process getting everything ready for the next project.
Our Personnel Training Program is designed to exceed industry standards, SEMS compliance and our customer’s satisfaction. RRT’s QHSE program includes ongoing evaluation and training for our safety program, proprietary R.E.N.T behavioral based safety program and job specific skills based on individual job descriptions. This includes training for pump operators, filtration operators/supervisors, mechanics and shop personnel.
RRT’s Inventory Program uses serial numbers for every item in inventory and an advanced rental management system that produces and ties together the testing, job history, maintenance and invoicing dating back to the purchase of each piece. Records of all purchased items include manufacturer test certifications and the source of origin, adding layers of accountability and assurances to our quality measures.
Our Iron Maintenance Program comprises visual inspection,UT testing, maintenance and hydrostatic testing all with digital records that can be sentto our customers.
RRT’s Pump Inspection and Maintenance Program involves an extensive mechanical check list that includes visual inspection and tear down of the fluid end after every job. Testing of all pumps is done on a proprietary computer controlled system that tracks and records time, pressure and volume.
We understand how strenuous the day-to-day working environment can be in our industry, which is why it’s of paramount importance for us to continuously optimize equipment that maximizes your production.